> 文章列表 > 春节年货好做吗英语





Spring Festival is usually in late January or February before the Spring Festival, people are busy cleaning their houses, preparing for the festival, and buying new clothes. It is a time of great hustle and bustle as everyone gets ready to welcome the new year.


The phrase \"办年货\" in English can be translated as \"doing Spring Festival shopping\" or \"preparing for the Spring Festival by buying goods and provisions\". It refers to the tradition of purchasing various items and stocking up on supplies in preparation for the upcoming festival.


The English word for \"年货\" is \"New Year\'s goods\". This term encompasses all the items and products that people buy and consume during the Spring Festival period. It includes food, snacks, decorations, and other festive goods.


As the Spring Festival approaches, people are busy buying a variety of New Year\'s goods. When New Year\'s Eve arrives, families gather together and enjoy a festive meal, marking the beginning of the new year. It is a time for reunion and celebration.


The English word for \"年货\" is \"New Year\'s goods\". It refers to the goods and products that people purchase and consume during the Spring Festival period. These goods are specifically associated with the traditions and customs of the Chinese New Year.


When it comes to the vocabulary and phrases related to the Spring Festival, here are some examples:

  • 年糕 (Nian-gao): \"Rice cake\" or \"New Year cake\"
  • 团圆饭 (family reunion dinner)
  • 年夜饭 (the dinner on New Year\'s Eve)
  • 红包 (red envelope/gift money)
  • 拜年 (pay a New Year\'s visit/greetings)

These words and phrases capture the essence of the Spring Festival and the various customs and traditions associated with it.


When referring to the Spring Festival in English, there are different ways to express it:

  • Spring Festival
  • Chinese New Year
  • The Spring Festival
  • Lunar New Year

All these terms are commonly used and understood to describe the same traditional Chinese festival that marks the beginning of the lunar calendar year.


The correct translations for \"春节\" in English are \"Spring Festival\" or \"Chinese New Year\". The word \"the\" is optional in these phrases. You can use either \"the Spring Festival\" or simply \"Spring Festival\" when referring to this festive occasion.


The term \"春节\" can be translated into English as \"Spring Festival\" or \"Chinese New Year\". It is not equivalent to \"New Year\'s Day\", which specifically refers to January 1st of the Gregorian calendar. The Spring Festival or Chinese New Year is based on the lunar calendar and usually falls between late January and February.


Here are the translations for some common terms related to the Spring Festival:

  • 农历 (lunar calendar)
  • 过年 (celebrate the New Year)
  • 除夕之夜 (New Year\'s Eve)
  • 年初一 (the first day of the lunar year)

These terms are used to describe specific moments and days within the Spring Festival celebration.