> 春节2024 > 过年回家能做什么工作英语





  1. Bacon - 做腊肉: 在快过年的时候,每家每户都会杀猪,制作腊肉,让家里充满浓浓的年味道。
  2. Sausage - 做香肠: 香肠也是春节期间不可或缺的食物之一,既可以作为主食,又可以作为小吃。
  3. Dumplings - 做粽子: 在春节期间,家人会一起包粽子,这是一种传统的食物,象征着团圆和祝福。
  4. Firecrackers - 放鞭炮: 在除夕夜,人们会点燃鞭炮,以驱走邪恶的灵魂,迎接新年的到来。
  5. Dragon dance - 舞龙: 舞龙是春节期间的一项传统活动,人们穿上龙的服装,在街道上表演舞蹈,给人们带来喜庆和祝福。



Spring Festival is a time of family reunion and celebration. There are several things that must be done during this festive period. Let\'s take a look at what they are:

  1. Cleaning the house - 扫除: Before the arrival of the New Year, it is customary to thoroughly clean the house to sweep away any bad luck.
  2. Shopping for groceries - 采购年货: Families stock up on food and snacks for the celebration, ensuring that there is an abundance of delicious meals throughout the holiday.
  3. Decorating - 贴春联、挂灯笼: Red couplets with auspicious words are pasted on the doors, and red lanterns are hung up to create a festive atmosphere.
  4. Preparations for the reunion dinner - 准备年夜饭: The reunion dinner is the most important meal during the Spring Festival. Families gather together to enjoy a sumptuous feast.
  5. Giving out red envelopes - 发红包: Elders give red envelopes filled with money to the younger generation as a symbol of good luck and blessings.



Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It is a time for families to come together and celebrate. During this festival, people do many things such as having a big dinner, exchanging gifts, and setting off fireworks. Children can also get red envelopes with money inside. Everyone is happy and excited during Spring Festival.



  1. 先做腊肉、香肠、粽子等食物:
  2. 接着贴春联、挂灯笼:
  3. 然后放鞭炮庆祝新年的到来:
  4. 最后大家一起吃年夜饭,互相拜年,交换礼物:



  1. The Spring Festival - 春节
  2. Chinese New Year - 中国新年
  3. New Year\'s Eve - 除夕
  4. Reunion dinner - 年夜饭
  5. Red envelopes - 红包
  6. Dragon dance - 舞龙
  7. Firecrackers - 鞭炮


My New Year\'s Resolution

As the new year begins, it is a perfect time to set goals and make resolutions. For me, my New Year\'s resolution is to become more organized and manage my time effectively. I plan to create a daily schedule and stick to it, allocating specific time for studying, exercising, and pursuing my hobbies. By doing so, I believe I can achieve better academic results and lead a more balanced life. In addition, I aim to improve my communication skills by engaging in more interactions with people from different cultures and backgrounds. This will not only broaden my horizons but also enhance my understanding and acceptance of diversity. Overall, I am determined to make the most of the coming year and work towards becoming a better version of myself.


People\'s activities during the Spring Festival

The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is a time of joy and celebration in China. During this festive season, people engage in various activities to commemorate the arrival of the new year. Some common activities include:

  1. Eating dumplings - Dumplings are a traditional food during the Spring Festival. Families gather together to make and eat dumplings, which symbolize wealth and good fortune.
  2. Watching the Spring Festival Gala - The Spring Festival Gala is a televised variety show that features music, dance, comedy, and acrobatics. It has become a beloved tradition for many families to watch the gala together on New Year\'s Eve.
  3. Setting off fireworks - Fireworks are an integral part of the Spring Festival celebrations. People light fireworks and firecrackers to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck for the coming year.
  4. Visiting relatives and friends - The Spring Festival is a time for family reunions. People visit their relatives and friends to exchange greetings, catch up, and wish each other a prosperous year.
  5. Exchanging red envelopes - Giving and receiving red envelopes, known as \"hongbao\", is a common practice during the Spring Festival. Elders usually give red envelopes with money inside to younger family members and children as a symbol of blessings and good luck.



Q: What will you do during the Spring Festival?

A: During the Chinese New Year, I will participate in the following activities:

  1. I will visit my relatives with my family members, exchanging greetings and blessings.
  2. We will have a big reunion dinner together, enjoying delicious traditional dishes.
  3. I will join in the dragon dance performance in my neighborhood, spreading joy and happiness.
  4. We will set off fireworks to celebrate the arrival of the new year, filling the sky with vibrant colors.
  5. I will spend time with my friends, playing traditional games and sharing laughter and joy.
  6. Lastly, I will relax and enjoy watching the Spring Festival Gala on TV, experiencing the festive atmosphere.



Wishing you a happy Spring Festival and thank you for your support! If you have any questions, I will reply to you promptly.



Q: What do people do during the Lantern Festival?

A: Here are some typical activities that people engage in during the Lantern Festival:

  1. People admire and appreciate various lantern decorations, which come in different shapes and designs.
  2. Family and friends gather together to solve riddles written on lanterns. It is both entertaining and challenging.
  3. Eating tangyuan (sweet glutinous rice balls) is a must during the Lantern Festival. It symbolizes unity and harmony within the family.
  4. In some areas, people participate in the Dragon dance and Lion dance performances to bring good luck and fortune for the upcoming year.
  5. Lighting and releasing sky lanterns is a popular activity. People write their wishes on the lanterns and let them float into the night sky.